Internal Training Program
TARLA internal education and training program provides comprehensive seminar and training courses. All employees at TARLA get the opportunity to deepen their expertise and contribute to their personal development.
- Accelerator Science and Technology,
- Software And System Technologies,
- Electronics Design,
- Mechanical Design,
- Detector Physics, Vacuum and Cryogenic Technologies
- Project and Technology Management
- Procurement and Maintenance Management
Program for External Collaborators
Progress of technology development relies on human power and mind which needs to be sustained as a resource in order to achieve future advances for human kind. In this direction, TARLA values development of human resources for both: Current and future employees. TARLA believes it is a continuing process starting from early ages to older ones. TARLA external tarining program is based on this idea covering from high-school students to senior scientists.
- Academic Training Program
- Post-Doc and Doctoral Training And Experience Program
- Education And Experience Programme For Doctoral Students
- Academic Education Program For Undergraduate Students
- Internship Programs for Undergraduate Students
- Technical And Industrial Vocational High School and College Training Program
- Technical Staff Training Program
- TARLA Occupational Health And Safety Training Program
- Accelerator Technologies Awareness Program